First introduction in a state institution

DSIK has a bottom-up approach regarding the implementation of its projects worldwide. But we could not resist responding to the enthusiasm shown towards our project by the local institutions.

On the 12th April 2021, our Country Representative Mr. Wulf Schmieder introduced German Sparkassenstiftung Moldova to Mr. Vladimir Bolea of the Commission for Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova. Mr. Bolea showed great interest about the project and communicated that the Republic needs exactly this kind of help, especially in Agriculture. He assured support and cooperation. We are happy about such a welcoming beginning.


Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.

Regional office Moldova:

Str. Alexandru cel Bun 144/1

Chisinau MD 2004

Republic of Moldova

Phone: +373 22830 777
Fax: +373 22830 776
Mobile: +373 79337 416

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