Presentation of an Investment Fund Concept

On request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of RM (MAFI) and the Agency for  Development and Modernization of Agriculture (ADMA), the DSIK implemented a one-day workshop on the topic “establishment and management of an investment fonds” in the MAFI on November 2nd, 2023. The workshop was presented and moderated by Andreas Fabrizius, DSIK Project Manager for Eastern Europe, Turkey, and the MEDA region. 

DSIK presented a concept based on its extensive experience with successful establishment and management of such fonds in other countries during the recent years. The workshop included best practice know-how and experiences regarding preparation and establishment of investment fonds, selection of and cooperation with partner financial institutions, development of financial products, different fonds management aspects, as well as monitoring and reporting systems. 

In addition to MAFI and ADMA experts, also representatives from different other organisations and institutions participated in the workshop, e.g., from IFAD Project Implementation Unit, UIP LIVADA Moldovei (EIB Project Implementation Unit), and further experts.

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