"Similarities and Differences of Circular Economy in Agriculture and Industry" Colloquium

On the date of 28th of November 2022, German Sparkassenstiftung in cooperation with the Technical University of Moldova, organized a colloquium on the topic of "Similarities and Differences of Circular Economy in Agriculture and Industry". It was delivered by the German expert Dr. Martin Struck. for the students and teachers from the Faculty of Economic and Business Engineering, as well as for the practitioners from the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova. The event was attended by a number of 60 participants who gained additional knowledge about a comparative analysis that was carried out through the lens of the connection with the real sector, with the reflection of the problems, challenges, but also the opportunities that appear for sustainable economic development.

TUM link- https://utm.md/blog/2022/11/30/fieb-seminar-cu-experti-internationali-despre-similaritati-si-diferente-ale-economiei-circulare-in-agricultura-si-industrie/



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