Training of Trainers in Sustainable Agriculture

In the period 13th to 16th of November, German Sparkassenstiftung Moldova is organizing the development of the training module „Sustainable Agriculture”. The training module was elaborated by a team of national and international experts in the framework of the project „Access to finance for sustainable and climate adaptive development of rural areas of the Republic of Moldova”.

The primary target group of this training are small and medium scale farmers specialized mostly in filed crops production. The secondary target group are students from agricultural VET colleges, particularly of the Centers of excellence specialized in filed crops production. And the third target group consists of teachers of agricultural VET colleges, as well as consultants from diverse agricultural associations to be trained as specialists for the Extension Service that has still to be established in the Republic of Moldova.

The training process is organized as follows. During the first two days the trainees had an introductory part explaining the structure of the course and participate in presentation of all 7 sub-modules of the presentation and during the third and fourth days the whole team of trainees are divided in seven working groups and will have to prepare a presentation of one of the presented seven sub-modules. Each presentation will be followed by a session of questions and answers. By using this approach, the trainees will assimilate better the content of sub-modules and will improve their abilities to train other trainees.

At the end of the last 4th day, the trainees will receive a diploma confirming their participation in the ToT course and the calcification received after attending this course.


Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.

Regional office Moldova:

Str. Alexandru cel Bun 144/1

Chisinau MD 2004

Republic of Moldova

Phone: +373 22830 777
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